For me, Christmas this year was pretty quiet, just the way I like it. Here are some highlights from the occasion:
*Call me Betty Crocker. I was a baking fool on Christmas Day. I made a sweet potato pie, 2 sweet potato pecan praline pies, and a rum pineapple upside cake. I even thought of making a sweet potato cheesecake but thought that would be overkill on the sweet potato. I made the pies to take over to my aunt's house for the family gathering. The cake was for a gathering at a friend's house later on that evening. There is something about the holiday season that always puts me in the mood for baking. I love the smell of sugar and cinnamon baking in the oven. I would bake everyday during the holiday season if time and my waistline permitted. But I know before the season is up, I have to make my spiked apple crisp. It's my favorite desert to make and to eat. Its not too sweet and with a hint of alcohol, served warm with a tablespoon of ice cream, its a taste of heaven for me. I think nothing of the gym as I savor each bite. Damn, maybe I will stop by the farmer's market and pick up some apples this weekend.
*I received many many many text messages from friends, family members, etc. sending holiday wishes my way. I can always tell the mass sent texts versus the personalized ones. Its so convenient. Compose one thought, send to everyone in your address book. 2 minutes and you've reached out to everyone. You still have time to enjoy your day and everyone you care about received a heartfelt sentiment from you. Everyone wins. There was one text message I received that literally made me pause. It was from a friend of mine that I haven't spoken to in a couple of months. Normally, for me that isn't cause for great alarm but with this particular friend it was. I have known him for over 5 or 6 years and I would count him in the Top 3 male friends of all time. We have seen each other through a lot. I always joke that if he ever ran for office, he would have to put me on the payroll because I know too much. I've thought a lot lately about why we aren't speaking. I surmise that it boils down to a break down in communication which in turn led to hurt feelings (well at least on my part). I had all intentions of reaching out to him on Christmas, just to simply say 'Merry Christmas'. But he beat me to it. His message was simple but it made me shed a tear. His message made me realize just how much I do miss our friendship. Hopefully, we will find each other again in the new year.
*I saw The Great Debaters. Its ironic how I saw a movie about the power of words but struggle to find the words to describe it. Powerful is an understatement. Amazing is selling it short. It's interesting that shortly before this movie came out, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal on the great debate on the need for Historically Black Colleges and Universities in today's "equal" society. Except for in the areas of amenities (i.e. no air conditioning in a dorm in the south should be a health hazard; f**k landmark status ...hahahahahah) and food (Gourmet Services is an oxymoron), I've never regretted my decision to attend an HBCU. Watching The Great Debaters reinforced my feelings of pride and being part of a fabric of history and tradition by attending Hampton University. All of my friends who attended HBCUs have a pride like no other in their respective school. For us, homecoming is like a family reunion. For us, any and all accolades attained by our alma mater are bragging rights. For us, its a badge of honor. And the Great Debaters, captured that brilliantly. May I also add that Nate Parker, the actor who plays Henry Lowe in the movie has a certain je ne sais pais quality that was a definite bonus to watching the movie. As always, I'm a sucker for a smile. (hahahahahaa). Oh and I am sooo in love with the fashion of the period. The hats, the dresses, all of it was oh so chic and feminine. I really think I am going to incorporate it into my new wardrobe.
*Overall, Santa was good to me. Still no laptop but I have a feeling its in the works. Thankfully, my grandmother didn't give me any neon green undies this year, and actually gave me a Macy's gift card. I was soooo shocked . That's the best gift she has given me in my adult years. I didn't even have to pretend to like it. So far the only tangible gift that I received from my letter to Santa was the Victoria's Secret gift card. Sexy Little Things, here I come!!! hahahahahaa
This Christmas was a good one. Not so much because of the tangible gifts. I just remember closing my eyes Christmas night without any thoughts of holiday stress. I spent it just the way I wanted to - some family time, some friend time, and most of all some me time.
Are we there yet?
5 days ago
Well, I must say that I'm one of those people who has mixed feelings about the whole HBCU experience. After visiting George Mason in between my soph and jr years, I wanted to transfer. they were way more modernized than Hampton, and when I graduated I felt a tad bit behind. socially, i'm GLAD hbucs were an option though. its a mixed bag for me.
and i'm going to remember these cake and pie skills you have when Jan 20th comes around son
Sounds like fun! Imma need you to bake one of those bad boys 9any one - they al sound good) for me.
*off to look at the movie schedule to see Great Debaters today*
I must say I have to agree with you regarding HBCUs. Even though I practically could not stand Hampton, I still take pride in my deliver when the interviewer says, "What school did you attend?" "And may I ask where is it located?" Just wish Hampton would have made all them renovations when I was there. Heard some good things about the Student Union. Yes, don't laugh I have not been back since we've graduated! One year I have to visit our Home by the Sea! I am older now and can appreciate The Temptations for the homecoming performance. Ha! Only a Hamptonian would understand that homecoming catered to Alumni not the present students. At any rate, now I need to go check out the movie and see exactly what you are talking about so I can describe it in words for you.
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